Rustic Spinach and Carrots Galette

How good can be a rustic spinach and carrots galette… especially when it’s finally time for outings, field trips and picnics? Very, very, very good…

This is a rustic creation – rustic as in simple / unsophisticated – bursting with the goodness of freshly seasonal ingredients… it isn’t your average store-bought pie 😉

It’s a recipe perfect for a hearty main course, a satisfying side dish, or a comforting “hug” on a chilly day… when only a pie would do!

Welcome to our plant-based recipes collection, in collaboration with | Here happily edited and translated by Orsola 🤓

Recipe for the Rustic Spinach and Carrots Galette

Ideal for brunch, and picnics, (as well as for Easter and Easter Monday), here’s the recipe for the rustic spinach and carrots pie!

Imagine a golden brown, flaky (whole grains) crust, holding a genuine combination of simple flavors: the earthiness of the spinach and the sweetness of the carrots… yummy!!!

Rustic Galette recipe card

[servings: 4 slices | total time: 3 hour 30 minutes | difficulty: medium-easy]
Please note that the info and directions provided for the recipe are indicative: the end result may vary from person to person |


For the filling

  • 500 g spinach
  • 1 small carrot (cut into julienne strips)
  • 100 mL sugar-free soy milk
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons grated V-cheesy (almonds and nutritional yeast would do too)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 pinch nutmeg
  • a few leaves of fresh marjoram

For the pie crust (pasta matta)

  • 200 g flour (100 spelt + 100 multigrain of your choice)
  • 110 g water
  • 10 g oil (*)

About the oils (*) – unless otherwise specified, we use the organic and cold-pressed type of sunflower seed oil, or extra virgin olive oil.

Picnic & Brunch: Spinach and carrot galette

Ideal for brunch, and picnics, (as well as for Easter and Easter Monday), here’s the recipe for the rustic spinach and carrots pie!


  1. First, make the buttermilk by pouring the apple cider vinegar into soy milk. Let it sit for few hours (3 should suffice), so it curdles well.
  2. Make the dough by combining water and oil with the flour, and kneading gently. Let the dough rest covered, at room temperature. Meanwhile prepare the filling.
  3. Properly wash the spinach and steam it.
  4. Once ready, drain them, squeeze them, then blend the spinach in a food processor.
  5. In the meantime, pan-fry the carrot for a few minutes in a little oil.
  6. In a bowl combine the spinach cream with the buttermilk, the carrot, and a generous pinch of grated Vcheese. Season with salt, pepper, nutmeg, and marjoram. Amalgamate well.
  7. Time to roll-out the dough. With a rolling pin, adding a bit of flour, if needed, form a sheet, in the form of a disk, that should be wider than the baking pan.
  8. Lay the pastry on the baking sheet, fill with the stuffing; cut off any excess dough, and close the flaps over the filling… it’d look like a galette.
  9. Brush the flaps with remaining oil, and bake it in a preheated oven (at 180°C) for 25 to 30 minutes.
  10. Decorate as desired.

More on Zero-Waste Recipes

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