A Half-Serious Set of Rules for True Italian Pizzeria-Goers :: Part 1

Cathal Mac An Bheatha | unsplash.com
In Italy having pizza in pizzeria is a big deal. When a bunch of friends decide to go out for a pizza, dramatic decisions must be taken. Where to go, what time, who is going to pick up whom and so forth.
Once all the details have been settled, eventually you sit at the table and then you need to know some basic rules in order to get the most out of your pizza night. REMEMBER: you are here to have pizza.
A Half-Serious Set of Rules for True Italian Pizzeria-Goers :: Part 1

Roccacalascio (L’Aquila)

When I first arrived in Abruzzo, about 25 years ago, a very wise and dear friend took me to Roccalascio on a dull November morning. It was cold and snowflakes started to fall when we walked through the ghost village. Nobody was there, except the two of us. The magic of the moment was so perfect that, from then on, for me Roccacalascio is THE PLACE where to be wildly and immensely happy.